chakra test, this almost right

long time not post anything on this beloved blog, here we go if have some nice information for you

usually i feel something or some kind “thing” following me or watching me, but they are cant be seeing by another person. when i tell this to my friend on the campus i feel some kind weird on me , they said i have paranormal ability that make me can see and feel “them” .
i dont really believe what they said but , the detail about this paranormal things almost right and that happend to my self. i’am so courious and try to searching what this is it on me, and i got landed on Indigo article this said 

  • the belief that they are empatheticcuriousstrong-willed, independent, and often perceived by friends and family as being strange;
  • possess a clear sense of self-definition and purpose;
  • exhibit a strong innate sub-conscious spirituality from early childhood (which, however, does not necessarily imply a direct interest in spiritual or religious areas);
  • a strong feeling of entitlement, or “deserving to be here.”

Other alleged traits include:

According to Tober and Carroll, indigo children may function poorly in conventional schools due to their rejection of rigid authority, being smarter (or more spiritually mature) than their teachers, and a lack of response to guilt-, fear- or manipulation-based discipline.[13]

According to research psychologist Russell Barkley, the New Age movement has yet to produce empirical evidence of the existence of indigo children, as the traits most commonly attributed to them were akin to the Forer effect (i.e., so vague they could describe nearly anyone). Many critics see the concept of indigo children as made up of extremely general traits, a sham diagnosis that is an alternative to a medical diagnosis, with a complete lack of science or studies to support it. The lack of scientific foundation is acknowledged by some believers, including Doreen Virtue, author of The Care and Feeding of Indigos, and James Twyman, who produced two films on indigo children and who offers materials and courses related to the phenomenon. Virtue has been criticized for claiming to have a Ph.D., despite this being awarded by California Coast University, a then-unaccredited institution sometimes accused of being a diploma mill.[13]

Indigo as an alternative to diagnosis [edit]

Retired professor of philosophy and skeptic Robert Todd Carroll notes that many of the commentators on the indigo phenomenon are of varying qualifications and expertise, and parents may prefer labeling their child an indigo as an alternative to a diagnosis that implies imperfection, damage or mental illness. This is a belief echoed by academic psychologists.[15] Some mental health experts are concerned that labeling a disruptive child an “indigo” may delay proper diagnosis and treatment that could help the child.[9][13] Others have stated that many of the traits of indigo children could be more prosaically interpreted as simple unruliness and alertness.

Relationship to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder 

Many children labeled indigo by their parents are diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)[15] and Tober and Carroll’s book The Indigo Children linked the concept with diagnosis of ADHD.[11] David Cohen points out that labeling a child an indigo is an alternative to a diagnosis that implies imperfection, damage or mental illness, which may appeal to many parents. Cohen has stated, “The view in medicine is that ADHD is a defect. It’s a disorder. If you’re a parent, the idea of ‘gifted’ is much more appealing than the idea of a disorder.” Linking the concept of indigo children with the distaste for the use of Ritalin to control ADHD, Robert Todd Carroll states “The hype and near-hysteria surrounding the use of Ritalin has contributed to an atmosphere that makes it possible for a book like Indigo Children to be taken seriously. Given the choice, who wouldn’t rather believe their children are special and chosen for some high mission rather than that they have a brain disorder?”Stephen Hinshaw, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, states that concerns regarding the overmedicalization of children are legitimate but even gifted children with ADHD learn better with more structure rather than less, even if the structure initially causes difficulties. Many labeled as indigo children are or have been home schooled.[9]

A 2011 study suggested parents of children with ADHD who label their children as “indigos” may perceive problematic behaviors emblematic of ADHD to be more positive and experience less frustration and disappointment, though they still experience more negative emotions and conflicts than parents of children without a diagnosis.


and i read some article they said Indigo Children have extremely high intelligence, and the gift of common sense. They are able to absorb information quickly and thoroughly, with brains like sponges when a subject is of interest to them. An Indigo Child will generally become an expert in anything that interests them. While they are gifted with high intelligence, they will generally not thrive in the typical model of the archaic school system existing today.

The reasons for this are twofold: 
1) They will flounder and become bored as their minds are not being stimulated or challenged. This will lead to many ‘problems’, which may be as mild as simply not paying attention or interacting with their environment, or may manifest as ‘disruptive behavior’, as they occupy themselves during idle time in unconstructive ways.
2) The Indigo Child has a built-in ‘issue’ regarding “authority”. Because school is generally the first place authority is encountered, this will be where the symptoms first begin to appear. The issues with authority, are not that the Indigo Child thinks they shouldnt have to listen or look up to anyone, but what we see (and strongly resist) are the flaws in the system, the misuse of power, unfairness, inequality amongst the ranks, favoritism, willful blindness, incompetence, and idiots with no common sense who have no business being in a position of control or responsible for the welfare of children, and who have no place teaching the future of our youth.

Indigo Children do not ‘hate’ blindly. They will give every individual a fair chance, but it will not often take long for the individual to establish what the Indigo Child could have assumed in the first place. Indigo Children will be very sensitive to traits shared by future individuals, that are similar to individuals who have hurt or wronged them in the past. Outsiders may often feel an Indigo Child dislikes another individual ‘for no good reason’, but that reason generally is that either:
1) The Indigo Child has detected critical faults in their moral character and aura.
2) The Indigo Child recognizes traits in the individual that remind them of a previous time they were hurt by an individual sharing similar traits, and learned to avoid it.

The Indigo Child is also sensitive to energetic differences between human entities that incarnated from various planes of the various galaxies. Indigo Children see and recognize individuals on a soul level, and are either drawn to others or repelled by this. There really isnt a human word that explains what the energies are, and all that is at play here, just know its a factor.

Indigo Children have an amazing gift at connecting with children and animals. The energy of Children and animals is purer and less contaminated by the corruption of old energy ways and influence, and animals (of course) never experience this. Children remember much more than their ‘adult’ counterparts. They love, feel, and express themselves freely, which is very much in line with the way of an Indigo Child.

Indigo Children will be very ‘right’ and ‘left’ brained. This means, that the Indigo Child will be able to conduct logical, analytical thinking and strategic planning, as well as be very creative, abstract thinkers. Indigo Children have a need to express, and will enjoy artistic freedom and forms of expression. Incidentally, due the the use of both hemispheres of the brain, many Indigo Children will be ambidextrous, or possess ambidextrous tendencies, though they favor the use of one hand over the other.

Indigo Children will be very balanced in their male/femaleness. Male Indigo Children will be very comfortable (or in touch with) their femininity, and female Indigo Children will be in touch with their more masculine side.

Sexuality will be a double-edged sword, as many Indigo Children will either not be interested in sexual activity at all, or will be very interested in it, and pursuing ‘alternative’ lifestyles and activities that stimulate and generate feelings of intensity that they will enjoy. Be aware, that some Indigo Children will experience sexual injuries or trauma to the psyche, that will create a strong need for healing in this area. It may be many years (if ever) before the Indigo Child can reconcile with their own sexuality and put these incidents behind them, or truly move on and learn to enjoy this gift with an appropriate partner. Sexuality and trust issues are very closely connected for Indigo Children, particularly once these sacred bonds are broken. Once you lose the trust of an Indigo Child, you should not expect to get it back.

Indigo Children are very good communicators. Communication is a lost art, which complicates the situation. Indigo Children have much to say about themselves and the word, if someone would just ask the questions. When you wonder what is going on in the mind of your Indigo Child, or why the Indigo Child feels a certain way or something distresses them so, ask them! If they know you will listen and they can trust you to hear what they say with an open mind, they will open up and explain.

Indigo Children are natural born diplomats, and will be able to generally see both sides of an issue. While many Indigo Children may have anger issues and feel very destructive, they will generally seek alternatives to resolve problems that do not involve violence. The duality of the Indigo Child, is though they are here to raise the energetic vibration of the planet and create a more peaceful, loving humanity, they will be born into situations that require fight and obstruction, as they dismantle the old energy.

Indigo Children will frequently be misinterpreted and misunderstood, often as being the opposite as what they actually are. One may see an Indigo Child with extreme anger issues and judge or interpret this as the Indigo Child being insensitive or not caring about anything, when in all actuality the reason they are so angry, is because they care so much.

Indigo Children will frequently be diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, but this is really a symptom of the Indigo Child, and not a general ‘disorder’ or neurological problem. The perceived symptom considered an inability to pay attention, is merely the Indigo Child being bored silly with material that does not challenge or stimulate them, and the racing thoughts or manic racing from task to task, is simply a result of the holographic thought process and ability to multitask, that Indigo Children master. …We dont understand why everyone else cant.

Another misdiagnosis that several Indigo Children may face, is that of Bipolar (Manic Depression). Part of the problem that leads to this, is the fact that Indigo Children can become very upset over things that the average individual doesnt understand the reasoning behind. Indigo Children are very sensitive, and things that go against the moral fiber of whats ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, will be greatly distressing. This factor of being so upset so easily (with seemingly little provocation), combined with the fact that once the situation is resolved, the Indigo Child will calm down, is seen as a “mood swing”. Some (not all) Indigo Children are very volatile and hypersensitive. Some Indigo Children are extremely shielded, and may show little to no emotion, at all.

You have to keep in mind, Indigo Children are here to change the system. They have to have this sensitivity to wrongs and problems, to create the drive and ambition to correct the problem. If they didnt care, or didnt care enough, then they wouldnt do anything or feel inspired to create change. We are the way we are, for a very important purpose. What really bothers us, is that everyone else seems perfectly okay with the state of the world, or doesnt care enough to do anything to rectify it. A ‘good’ man who does nothing, is worse than the individual who perpetrates the wrong.

Young Indigo Children should not be medicated. However, if it is too problematic for the caregivers of said Indigo Child to handle the responsibilities of raising the Indigo Child, then in such a case it would be entirely appropriate for them to seek medication. (Translation:If you cant handle a hyper ten-year-old, you take the pill). The only circumstance in which medication is advisable, is as a last resort when the Indigo Child (in extreme cases) may become so hypersensitive to energies and their surroundings, that they are not able to function. This is more appropriate to Adult Indigo Children, as they raise their vibration their sensitivity increases even moreso, and the Adult Indigo Child may be over-stimulated by their senses and the energy around them. (See also ‘Ascension Crisis’). Sleep disturbance may become an issue, and if the Indigo Child needs tranquilizers to help them function in a day-to-day living environment, then they should be viewed as a short-term solution, and used on an as-need basis. Avoid medications which require lengthy periods of time to build an effective level. Whenever possible, use medications that can just be used as at the symptom onset, and do not have to be taken on a regular basis, even when the Indigo Child is feeling fine. Avoid synthetic chemicals at all costs. (This is good advice for all humans).

Regarding Depression, many Indigo Children will battle with extreme depression and suicidal thoughts throughout their lifetime. This is a result of the state of the world around them, the interaction with humanity they have experienced, and a sense of hopelessness, when the Indigo Child gives up-Not on themselves, but on the world around them. Indigo Children do not fear “death”, for they know there is no such thing, no end to spirit. We long for home, and the thought of death and returning to spirit can be very comforting, for we are going ‘home’. Some Indigo Children carry a lot of pain on a soul-level, an ache for “home” which they attempt to recreate here.

Indigo Children also will experience many issues that could lead to depression such as problematic relationships and chronic instability within their lives. Because of these tangible items being at the root of the depression, and not a result of some ‘chemical imbalance’, most antidepressants will be counter productive for an Indigo Child. In some instances (myself included) they may actually accelerate the problem. Use with caution.

Indigo Children will be very empathic, in that they feel and ‘take on’ the energy of those around them, and who they are close to. Indigo Children are wonderful healers, but when healing, they need to be certain to shield themselves from this.

Indigo Children need to learn balance and grounding. An unbalanced, ungrounded Indigo Child is like a dancing livewire, with the attention span of a mosquito on crack. There is so much sensory input, there has to be someplace for it to all go. It just stays stuck in our heads pinging around like so many pinballs. One of the hardest things for the Indigo Child to learn, is mindlessness (the ability to maintain nothing in the mind) and focus. But, once the Indigo Child can harness all that energy and focus it, its like a laser.

Indigo Children embody extremes and may manifest these feelings in traits not expressed above, but when you get to the root of the issue behind it, you will see that it is connected.

Most Indigo Children will not embody the 9 to 5 work model. They will often work independently and for themselves, frequently turning interests and hobbies into businesses. There will be many Indigo Children that do fit in with the system, and they will begin to break through the glass ceiling of the old energy, and repopulate it with the new. One who hates politicians, may become a politician to ‘do it right’. Many Indigo Children may find interest in healthcare, which aligns with their healing ability. Some may find government work appealing, as they are able to enforce the rights and laws, and also to protect and help those in need of assistance.

Indigo Children are empathic by nature. They are very sensitive to the moods and needs of those around them, especially those they are close to. They are frequently clairsentient, meaning they ‘pick up’ the moods and energies around them. This can be difficult for an Indigo Child, as they may frequently feel ‘off’ or distressed or agitated, and not know why or understand the underlying cause. It is not uncommon for Indigo Children, especially adult Indigo Children to be depressed or upset and not know why, even when everything should be ‘okay’.

Indigo Children are so inquisitive and analytical, they can wrap their minds around anything, and enjoy doing it. They are very gifted with sciences and biology. Because of their concrete ‘black and white’ ’cause and effect’ way of thinking, they generally do well with computers. Computers are also a very rewarding area of interest for the Indigo Child, as there are many complexities and areas to be explored. Languages, coding, art. web design. There are so many facets and directions to go in, and most Indigo Children will follow several at once or at the same time. Indigo Children like things that ‘make sense”, and computers fit the bill perfectly.

i searching about indigo on forum, they gave me some web based test that will calculate and deciding what are you and how to make it you. 

just try it


and i got mine this


Ball with fat


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colestroll? oh bitch i mean cholesterol, and once again we gonna prevent another desease

 many people already know that high cholesterol levels in the body to trigger the emergence of various diseases, such as: hypertension, coronary heart attack and stroke.
But keep in mind also that not all cholesterol is bad for the body. Only the category ofLDL cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein) are the bad type of cholesterol while HDL(High Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol is the bad cholesterol that can dissolve in the body. The normal range of cholesterol in the body is 160-200 mg. Cholesterol is partof the fat (lipid) that are mostly produced in the body precisely in the liver(approximately 70%) and the rest comes from food or diet. ebenarnya cholesterol is an element needed by the body. However, if the level is excessive in the body willcause various diseases. The following steps are known to control blood cholesterol levels.
Generally, doctors recommend that a person’s total cholesterol level below 200 mg /dL, with LDL (bad cholesterol) under the number 130, and HDL (good cholesterol) is above the number 40. HDL is often called ‘good cholesterol’ really good for our bodiesbecause it can reduce the risk of heart attack. Continue reading

corronary heart attack,know it and prevent it

Coronary heart disease is a type common in Indonesia and the world’s population. This condition is caused by narrowing / blockage in the coronary artery wall due to deposits of fat and cholesterol intake causing the blood to the heart to be disturbed. Changes in lifestyle, diet, and stress can also lead to the occurrence of coronary heart disease.
What Causes Coronary Heart Disease?

The cause of coronary heart disease is due to the buildup of excess fatty substances in the lining of artery walls of coronary arteries, which are influenced by an unhealthy diet. Addicted to smoking, hypertension, high cholesterol can also be a cause of coronary heart disease.

Symptoms of Coronary Heart Disease


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god damn it, thier not asian

 God damn it, I'm not assian




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